Best Pike Lures: Our Top Pick

By Ruhul Amin
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best pike lures

Do you love fishing for pikes? If so, you know that finding the right lure is key to success. There are many different lures on the market, and it can be difficult to know which ones are best for pike.

In this blog post, we will share our top five picks for the best pike lures. We’ll also provide some tips on how to use them effectively!

Here is a quick list of all of our best pike lures:

  1. Rapala X-Rap Jerkbait XR10 Fishing Lure
  2. BOOYAH Pikee Spinner-Bait Fishing Lure
  3. Johnson Silver Minnow
  4. Mister Twister Double Tail Swimbait
  5. Zoom Salty Super Fluke Bait

We’ve included both artificial and live bait options, so there is something for everyone. These lures have been proven to be successful in catching pike, and we’re confident that you’ll have a great time using them!

Keep reading to learn more about each of these lures and find the one that is perfect for your next fishing trip!

Reviews of the Best Pike Lures

Now that you know which lures made our top eight list, let’s take a closer look at each one. This way, you can learn more about their features and find the perfect lure for your needs. We will also provide some tips on how to use each lure for the best results.

Rapala X-Rap Jerkbait XR10 Fishing Lure

The Rapala X-Rap Jerkbait is a great option for pike fishing. This lure is designed to swim in a zig-zag motion, which is irresistible to pike. It is also fitted with 3D eyes and textured scales, making it look very realistic.

This lure is available in a variety of colors, so you can find the perfect one to match the conditions on your fishing trip. We recommend the Silver/Black option for pike fishing.

To use this lure, simply cast it out and let it sink to the desired depth. Then, use a jerking motion to make it swim in a zig-zag pattern. You can also pause occasionally to let the lure sink further and attract pike from deeper water.

Its versatile design allows it to be used for a variety of fishing techniques, including casting and trolling. The lure’s erratic, jerking action mimics the movements of injured prey, enticing even the wariest of fish to take a bite.

Plus, its internal rattle technology attracts fish from afar. With its vibrant colors and realistic finish, the Rapala X-Rap Jerkbait Fishing Lure is sure to increase your catch rate on any fishing trip.

Don’t settle for just any fishing lure – trust in the proven success of the Rapala X-Rap Jerkbait Fishing Lure.

BOOYAH Pikee Spinner-Bait Fishing Lure

The BOOYAH Pikee Spinner-Bait is another great option for pike fishing. This lure is fitted with a rotating blade, which creates a lot of movement and noise in the water.

This lure features a vibrating blade that creates maximum flash and attention-grabbing sound, resulting in more strikes from a variety of fish species.

Its unique double-wire design allows for increased durability, ensuring this lure will stand up to even the strongest of catches.

The Pike also features silicone skirts and natural flatfish tails, giving it realistic movement in the water. So next time you’re fishing, make sure to add the BOOYAH Pikee Spinner-Bait Fishing Lure to your arsenal. You won’t be disappointed with the results.

Johnson Silver Minnow

The Johnson Silver Minnow is a classic lure that has been around for many years. It is made from high-quality materials and features a highly reflective finish.

This lure is fitted with a single treble hook, making it great for catching pike. The silver color of the lure is very enticing to pike, and the reflective finish will attract fish from a distance.

To use this lure, simply cast it out and let it sink to the desired depth. Then, start reeling it in slowly. The Johnson Silver Minnow has a reputation for being one of the most effective pike lures around, so you’re sure to have success with it on your next fishing trip.

Mister Twister Double Tail Swimbait

Fishing can be a relaxing and enjoyable pastime, but it takes skill to catch the big ones. Sometimes, the key to success is using the right lure.

The Mister Twister Double Tail Swimbait is an excellent choice for bass fishing. Its unique design mimics the movements of natural prey, enticing fish to bite.

Each tail flutters as it moves through the water, creating a lifelike appearance that draws in even the wariest of fish. This versatile lure can be used in both fresh and saltwater, making it a go-to choice for any fishing excursion.

Give the Mister Twister Double Tail Swimbait a try and watch as your catches increase exponentially.

To use this lure, simply cast it out and let it sink to the desired depth. Then, start reeling it in slowly. The Mister Twister Double Tail Swimbait is sure to attract even the wariest of fish, so you’re sure to have success with it on your next fishing trip.

Zoom Salty Super Fluke Bait

The Zoom Salty Super Fluke Bait is a versatile lure that can be used for a variety of fish species. It features a lifelike design and realistic swimming action, making it a favorite among anglers.

This lure is made from high-quality materials, ensuring it will withstand even the strongest of catches. Plus, its bright colors are sure to attract fish from a distance.

The Zoom Salty Super Fluke Bait is a great choice for anglers of all skill levels. Give it a try on your next fishing trip and see for yourself why it’s one of the best pike lures around.

How to Choose the Best Pike Lures

Now that you know some of the best pike lures on the market, it’s time to learn how to choose the right one for your needs.

pike lures

There are a few things you should keep in mind when selecting a lure, such as the type of water you’ll be fishing in, the time of year, and the size of the fish you’re hoping to catch.

Lure Size

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a lure is its size. You’ll want to select a lure that is appropriate for the fish you’re hoping to catch.

For example, if you’re targeting small fry, you’ll need a smaller lure. But if you’re after a trophy pike, you’ll need a larger lure to entice it.

The type of water you’re fishing in will also play a role in determining the best size for your lure. In general, smaller lures are best for clear waters while larger lures are better suited for murky waters.

Lure Type

Another important factor to consider is the type of lure you’ll be using. There are many different types of lures on the market, each designed to attract a specific type of fish.

Some lures are designed to mimic the appearance of baitfish while others feature bright colors and flashy finishes. The best way to determine which type of lure is best for your needs is to experiment until you find something that works.

Lures Color

Lures come in a wide range of colors, so it’s important to select one that will stand out in the water. Bright colors are often best for murky waters while more subdued hues are better suited for clear waters.

At the end of the day, the best color for your lure is whichever one you think will attract the most fish.


The action of a lure is the way it moves through the water. Some lures have a fast and erratic action while others have a slow and steady motion.

The best way to determine which action is best for your needs is to experiment until you find something that works. Different fish are attracted to different types of action, so it’s important to try out a few different options until you find one that works best for your needs.

Extra Features

Some lures come with extra features that can help you attract more fish. These features might include scent chambers, rattles, or feathers.

While these features are not necessary, they can sometimes help you attract more fish. If you’re having trouble catching fish, it might be worth trying a lure with one or more of these extra features.

Now that you know how to choose the best pike lures, it’s time to get out there and start fishing! These eight lures are sure to help you land the big one on your next fishing trip.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Northern Pike found?

Northern Pike is found in freshwater lakes and rivers throughout the Northern Hemisphere. They are a popular game fish due to their large size and ferociousness.

What is the best time of year to fish for Northern Pike?

The best time of year to fish for Northern Pike depends on where you are fishing. In general, spring and fall are the best times of year to fish for pike.

What is the best bait for Northern Pike?

The best bait for Northern Pike depends on the time of year and the type of water you’re fishing in. In general, live bait is the best choice for pike fishing. Minnows, frogs, and lures that mimic the appearance of baitfish are all good choices.

What is the best lure size for a pike?

The best lure size for a pike depends on the size of the fish you’re hoping to catch. In general, larger lures are best for trophy pike while smaller lures are better suited for smaller fish.

What is the best type of water for fishing for Northern Pike?

The best type of water for fishing for Northern Pike is murky water. Pike are ambush predators and they prefer to stay hidden in dark waters where their prey won’t see them coming.

What is the best color lure for a pike?

The best color lure for a pike depends on the type of water you’re fishing in. In general, brighter colors are best for murky waters while more subdued colors are better for clear waters. At the end of the day, the best color for your lure is whichever one you think will attract the most fish.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of what is the best pike lure. The best way to determine which type of lure is best for your needs is to experiment until you find something that works.

We have already reviewed the top best pike lures in the market, and we hope this will give you a good place to start your search.

Different fish are attracted to different types of lures, so it’s important to try out a few different options until you find one that works best for your needs. The eight lures listed above are sure to help you land the big one on your next fishing trip.

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