Best Way to Get Rid of the Fish Smell From Your Hands

By Ruhul Amin
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How to Get Fish Smell Off Hands

If you’ve ever gone fishing, you know how unpleasant the smell of fish can be. Not only does it linger on your hands, but it can also be smelled on your clothes and in your hair.

If you’re looking for a way to get rid of that fishy smell, look no further! In this blog post, we will discuss how to get fish smell off hands quickly and easily.

We’ll also provide some tips on how to prevent the fish smell from occurring in the first place!

Why Do Fish Smell?

Fish smell for a variety of reasons. One reason is that they secrete slime from their skin to ward off predators and parasites. This slime can contain toxins that can cause an unpleasant smell.

fish smell

Another reason fish smell is because of the food they eat. Some fish, like sharks, eat other fish that have a strong odor. This odor can be transferred to the shark, and eventually to you if you handle them.

Finally, fish live in water that contains bacteria. This bacteria can cause an unpleasant smell, especially if the water is not clean.

Fish have a pair of organs called maxillary barbels that are covered in thousands of sensory receptors. These receptors help the fish to taste and smell their surroundings.

In addition, fish have a specialized organ called the lateral line that is sensitive to vibrations in the water. This allows them to detect the movement of other fish, predators, and potential mates. But all of this sensory information comes at a cost – fish secrete a lot of waste products that can give them a strong odor.

Now that we know why fish smell, let’s discuss how to get rid of the fishy smell from your hands!

How to Get Fish Smell Off Hands

There are a few different ways that you can get rid of the fishy smell from your hands.

Soap and water

This is the most obvious way to get rid of the fishy smell. Be sure to use strong soap, like dish soap, and scrub your hands thoroughly. You may need to wash your hands multiple times to completely remove the smell.

Soap will help to break down the oils that are causing the smell, and water will rinse them away. Be sure to use hot water, as this will further help to break down the oils. If possible, use antibacterial soap, as this will also help to kill any bacteria that may be causing the smell.


Vinegar is a great way to remove odors from your hands. Simply pour some vinegar into a bowl and soak your hands in it for a few minutes. You can also use a vinegar-soaked rag to wipe down your hands.

Vinegar will neutralize the ammonia in the fish and remove the odor. You can use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Fill a bowl with vinegar and soak your hands in it for a few minutes. Rinse your hands with soap and water.

You can also add a few drops of essential oil to the vinegar to help mask the smell.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is another great way to remove odors from your hands. Simply cut a lemon in half and rub it all over your hands. You can also put some lemon juice on a rag and wipe down your hands.

Lemon juice is a great natural odor neutralizer, so try rubbing your hands with lemon juice before washing them with soap and water. 

The citric acid in the lemon juice will help to neutralize the fishy odor. These acidic substances will also help to break down the bacteria that are causing the fishy smell.


Salt is one of the most effective ways to remove fishy smells from your hands. The high concentration of salt will kill bacteria and help to break down oils that are responsible for the odor.

Start by wetting your hands and then pouring a small amount of salt onto them. Rub your hands together vigorously for a minute or two, and then rinse them off with clean water. With a little patience, you should be able to get rid of that fishy smell once and for all.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural odor absorber. Simply pour some baking soda into a bowl and soak your hands in it for a few minutes. You can also make a paste out of baking soda and water, and use it to scrub your hands.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is an often overlooked tool in the kitchen, but it can be very useful for removing fish smell from hands. Simply rub your hands with a stainless steel object, such as a pan or utensil, for a few minutes. The steel will absorb the fishy odor, leaving your hands smelling fresh and clean. You can also use this method to remove smells from other foods, such as garlic or onions.

Use Gloves

This is probably the most obvious solution, but it is also the most effective. This will help to keep the smell from getting on your skin in the first place. 

If you don’t have gloves, you can also use a plastic bag or wrap your hands in cling film.


Toothpaste is not just for your teeth anymore! Toothpaste can also be used to remove the fish smell from your hands. Simply rub a generous amount of toothpaste on your hands, and then rinse it off under warm water.

You may need to repeat the process a few times to completely remove the fishy smell, but toothpaste is a gentle and effective way to get rid of the odor.

Plus, it’s a handy item to keep in your kitchen if you’re a frequent fish eater!

Ground Coffee Beans

Ground coffee beans are an effective way to remove fishy smells from your hands. The coffee will absorb the odors, leaving your hands smelling fresh and clean.

Simply rub your hands together with a handful of coffee beans, then rinse them under warm water. You can also use this method to remove fishy smells from cutting boards and countertops.

Be sure to discard the used coffee beans when you’re finished – don’t put them down the sink, as they can cause plumbing problems.


Ketchup is an unlikely, but effective, tool for removing fish smell from hands. The acidity in the ketchup helps to neutralize the odor-causing molecules on the skin, while the tomatoey scent helps to mask any residual fishy smell.

Simply rub a generous amount of ketchup onto your hands, then rinse with warm water.

For best results, follow up with soap and water. You may need to repeat the process a few times to completely remove the fish smell, but ketchup should do the trick.

And, unlike many other methods for removing the fish smell, ketchup is unlikely to cause irritation or dryness. So go ahead and give it a try next time you need to get rid of that pesky fish smell.

Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer is great for getting rid of the fish smell off hands. Hand sanitizer is also great for getting rid of germs and bacteria.

Hand sanitizer is a quick and easy way to get rid of the fish smell off your hands. Hand sanitizer is also a good way to keep your hands clean and bacteria-free.

Hand sanitizer is an alcohol-based solution that will kill the fish smell on your hands. Hand sanitizer is also a good way to get rid of any unwanted smells on your hands.

Baby Wipes

Baby wipes are an effective way to get the fish smell off your hands. The harsh chemicals in the wipes break down the oils that cause the smell, and the Baby wipes also have a strong fragrance that can mask the fishy odor.

In addition, Baby wipes are convenient and easy to use, and they can be found in most grocery stores.

However, this method is less effective than Baby wipes, and it may not completely remove the fishy smell.

If you’re looking for a more natural option, you can try rubbing your hands with lemon juice or vinegar. These acidic substances will help to break down the oils that cause the smell.

However, they may also damage your skin, so be sure to test them on a small area first.


Cilantro is one of the most effective herbs for getting rid of fishy odors. Simply rub the cilantro leaves on your hands and then rinse them off with clean water.

You can also add cilantro to a pot of boiling water and let your hands steep in the mixture for a few minutes. Not only will this remove the fishy smell from your hands, but it will also leave them feeling refreshed and moisturized.

Simply rub your hands with freshly chopped cilantro for a few minutes and then rinse with soap and water. The strong scent of the cilantro will help to mask the fishy smell.

Whatever method you choose, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly afterward to remove any lingering smells.


There are a number of effective methods for getting rid of the fish smell from your hands. The best method for you will depend on what you have on hand and how much time you’re willing to spend.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy solution, try using hand sanitizer or baby wipes. If you’re looking for a more natural solution, try rubbing your hands with lemon juice or vinegar.

We hope this article was helpful in teaching you how to get fish smell off hands.

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